Now, I know what you’re thinking: a blanket’s a blanket, right? Not so fast! When it comes to those little tykes, you can’t just toss any old thing in their crib. Remember, those little bundles of joy might be strong as an ox when they’re wailing for their midnight snack, but they’re still learning the ropes when it comes to getting themselves untangled.
Think of it like this: you wouldn’t send a rookie pitcher out to the mound without a good defense behind him, would you? Same goes for your baby. They need all the help they can get to stay safe and sound throughout the night. A big, fluffy blanket might seem cozy, but it’s a bit like a wild pitch – unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
Stick to those safe and snug alternatives we talked about: those light, breathable blankets with the low TOG ratings, or even just a trusty sheet. And don’t forget those sleep sacks – they’re like a manager’s warm embrace, keeping those little ones feeling secure and comfortable all night long.